A fatal automobile accident occurred at Assumption University (ABAC - Bangna Campus) on February 25th, 2018. At first glance, it seemed like one of many other terrible car wrecks in which there was a tragic loss of life. Inside the white Suzuki Swift, there was both a male and a female, however, upon further inspection, officials discovered something astonishing that was unlike other cases. When both of their National ID Cards were being verified, a surprising fact unveiled itself. Afterwards, JS100 was given permission to inquire about the history of the deceased from the female’s father and the male’s mother. This led to the following tale of the series of events which has followed this couple throughout their lives, and shows an eerie amount of synchronicity.
The victims of this tragedy not only passed away on the same day, they were also lovers who shared various similarities since the day that they were born. From the moment that they first opened their eyes to see the world up until the day that they departed this life, they shared the following commonalities:
1. Identical birthdays on June 5th, 1997
2. Similar times of birth
3. Both grew up in single-parent households
4. Home addresses that end in the number “3”
5. Car license plates that end in the number “39”
6. Studied at the same university
7. Studied in the same faculty
8. Studied in the same year/class
9. Passed away on the exact same day, month, and year
10. Similar times of death
11. Passed away in the same car
The story of this cosmically intertwined couple began with a chance encounter at the university in which both of them were studying at. The tale unfolded that one day, the young man had lost his ID card. Luckily, the young lady had found it and was keeping it safe until she could return it to him. This fateful event led to them realizing that they had the exact same birthdays. From there, their relationship blossomed from contacting each other to chat, then to a friendship, and eventually it progressed into a serious relationship from then on. If we were to simply dismiss these occurrences as happenstance, then it is imperative to consider the following:
1. What caused these two people to have so many facets of their lives resemble each other’s since their birth until their passing?
2. What caused the young man to lose his ID card that day? Why was it not another card which does not display his date of birth?
3. What caused the young woman to be the one person who was there at that exact location and at that precise time to find his ID card and return it to him?
Although we may never know whether or not these are mere coincidences, and we cannot say for sure if they are soulmates or “Bupphesaniwat,” a couple who have been together in a previous life as well as this one, we can admit that these two experienced a life and death that will forever be intertwined.
This corresponds with what the mother of the young man told us about the habits of the pair and how they completed one another. Whenever either one of them had an unfinished assignment, then the other would always help out using any spare time that they had. Even on their last day, they ate together after rushing to finish an assignment so that they could hand in their work to their professor on Monday.
Such demonstrations of their love and concern about each other’s well-being showed their everlasting devotion. To continue their shared path, the parents of both sides agreed that the two should have their funeral arranged together and that they would be cremated at the same time in order to be able to look after each other in the afterlife. Thus, if one wants to find meaning in this tragedy, they may find solace in the religious precept that the couple will have found a shared sacrifice and shared knowledge of the great beyond in each other’s company. The story of this “Destined Couple” has left many wondering whether or not they were blessed or suffered bad karma in having their lives begin and end the way that they did.
Regardless, it would be wise to remember how fragile life is and that we can all depart this existence in such a sudden manner. Therefore, use every fleeting moment spent together on this planet to lead a life for oneself and others towards a path of extinguishing sorrows and ending suffering as much as possible.
All of the photographs are original images of the couple as they shared their experiences together. The JS100 News Team would like to express their sympathy for the passing of Lichtsasi Mongkolpornsap and Jessadaporn Buapetch. Also, they would like to offer their condolences and thank the family for giving permission to publish this story. It is a shining light for all of us to witness “Bupphesaniwat,” a true story of a couple whose destinies coincided.