Brilliant Idea Alert: Office Competition to Decorate World Cup Themed Desks With Cash Prizes!

25 มิถุนายน 2561, 19:50น.

    There’s an excellent idea for creating an elevated office atmosphere using the World Cup as inspiration that’s been spreading with the help of social media and it’s going viral.  The JS100 News Team would like to respond to a tweet by Twitter user @dafaulfrank, who is the owner of the images, and to further clarify to others that this was for a competition in an office.  It took place at “Wunderman Thailand,” an advertising agency, in which 40 employees participated by forming teams and then decorating their workspaces with the FIFA World Cup 2018 theme.

   Each person had to brainstorm ideas together with their teammates, arrange their respective workspaces, and then present their concept.  The teams that were able to get the highest scores were given a shot at the following prizes:

     1st place = 8,000 Baht

     2nd place = 6,000 Baht

     3rd place = 2,000 Baht

    So, how did they do?  Let’s see what some of the teams created below:

    This is Panama’s minimalist display - Hahaha, LOL.

    These are some of the super elaborate and ornate displays.

     Honourable mentions: Tunisia’s tacky shirt; Australia’s killer kangaroos; and the Panama Canal.

    3rd place went to Egypt, Belgium, and the previously shown Mexico.

    2nd place went to France’s display found above and Saudi Arabia, which featured a gas pump.  

    1st place went to England, which featured a giant Big Ben cardboard cutout - Hahaha, LOL.

    Overall, a smart innovative idea like this raises the fondness employees have for Mr. Nick Annetts, their CEO.  He constantly searches for methods to alleviate stress in the workplace for every member of his staff (uh, in case you are wondering why...we’ll, he secretly heard that being too serious actually equals less productivity in the workplace).  So, if your office environment could use a boost in morale, then try this idea out or something along the same lines. It is a wonderful opportunity to have employees cooperate to accomplish something creative together as a team building exercise.

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